Striking: |
Atemi |
Strike to a vital point |
Chudan-zuki |
A punch to the abdominal region |
Gedan-zuki |
Downward punch |
Gyaku-uchi |
Any reverse strike |
Gyaku-zuki |
Punching with the rear hand |
Jodan-zuki |
Upper strike |
Kaeshi-zuki |
Counter thrust |
Katate-uchi |
One-handed strike |
Men-uchi |
Strike to head |
Mune tsuki |
Thrust toward knot on obi |
Oi-zuki |
A step-punch |
Shomen uchi |
Overhead strike to the head. |
Tsuki |
In Aikido, usually a Chudan Oi-zuki |
Uchi |
Inside; strike |
Yokomen uchi |
Diagonal strike to the side of the head. |
Yoko-uchi |
A sideward strike |
Holds: |
Gyakute-dori |
To grasp with one's hand reversed; to grasp and opponents right wrist with your left hand |
Katate dori |
One hand holding one hand. |
Kosadori |
hand grab (katatedori ai-hanmi) |
Morote dori |
Two hands holding one hand. |
Kata dori |
Shoulder hold |
Ryokata dori |
Grabbing both shoulders. |
Ryote dori |
Two hands holding two hands. |
Mune dori |
One or two hand lapel hold. |
Hiji dori |
Elbow grab |
Sode dori |
Sleeve grab |
Ushiro eri-dori |
Neck grab from the back (usually the collar :-) |
Ushiro tekubi dori |
Wrist grab from the back. |
Ushiro ryote dori |
As above from the back. |
Ushiro ryokata dori |
As above from the back. |
Ushiro kubi shime |
Rear choke. |
Body Parts: |
Hara |
The abdomen, stomach |
Abara |
The ribs |
Ago |
Jaw |
Ashi |
Leg |
Ashikubi |
Ankle |
Atama |
Head |
Chototsu |
Atemi point between the eyes |
Daitai |
The thigh |
Denko |
Atemi point at the floating ribs |
Dokko |
Pressure point behind the ear |
Empi |
The elbow |
Eri |
Lapel; collar |
Fukuto |
Atemi point just above inside of knee |
Ganmen |
The face |
Gekon |
Pressure point below lower lip |
Gokoku |
Pressure point in fleshy area between thumb and forefinger |
Haishu |
Back of the hand |
Haito |
Ridgehand |
Haiwan |
Back of forearm |
Hiji |
Elbow |
Hiji-zume |
Atemi point on inside of elbow |
Hitai |
Forehead |
Ippon-ken |
An one-knuckle fist |
Jinchu |
Pressure point on upper lip below nose |
Jintai |
The body |
Jinkai-kyusho |
Vital points on the human body |
Juizo |
The kidney area |
Junchu |
Atemi point on the upper lip |
Kakato |
The heel of the foot |
Kakuto |
Back of the wrist (for a strike) |
Kashi |
Legs |
Katate |
One hand |
Keichu |
Atemi point on back of neck |
Kenkokotsu |
Shoulder blades |
Kikan |
Trachea |
Koko |
Area between thumb and forefinger |
Kote |
Wrist |
Kubi |
Neck |
Kubi-naka |
Atemi point at base of skull |
Kyusho |
Vital point on body |
Mata |
The thigh; the groin |
Men |
Head |
Mikazuki |
Atemi at corner of jaw |
Mimi |
Ears |
Morote |
Both hands |
Mukozune |
Atemi point in middle of shin |
Mune |
Chest |
Murasame |
Pressure points on each side of neck behind collar bone |
Naike |
Pressure point on inside of ankle |
Nukite |
Ends of stiffened fingers |
Seika-tanden |
Lower abdomen |
Seiken |
Front of fist |
Seikichu |
The spine |
Senaka |
The back of the body |
Shintai |
The body |
Shita hara |
Lower abdomen |
Shomen |
Face |
Shuhai |
Back of the hand |
Shuto |
Edge of hand |
Sode |
Sleeve |
Sokei |
Groin |
Sokuso |
Tips of toes (for kicking) |
Sokutei |
Bottom of heel |
Sokuto |
Edge of foot |
Tanden |
Abdomen |
Tegatana |
The arm as sword |
Teisho |
Heel of the hand |
Tekubi |
Wrist |
Te-no-hira |
Palm of hand |
Tento |
Atemi point on top of head |
Tettsui |
Hammer fist |
Te-ura |
Inside of wrist |
Ude |
The arm |
Uraken |
Back of fist |
Waki |
Side; armpit |
Wakikage |
Atemi point in armpit |
Yokomen |
Side of the head |
Yubi |
Finger |
Zengaku |
Forehead |
Zenshin |
The entire body |
Zenwan |
Forearm |
Commands in the dojo: |
Ato |
Move back |
Hajime |
Start |
Hayaku |
Quickly |
Kiyotsukete |
Be careful |
Koutai |
Change |
Mate |
Wait |
Mawatte |
Turn around |
Mokuso |
Close the eyes, meditation |
Suwatte |
Sit down |
Tatte |
Raise |
Yame |
Stop |
Yoi |
Ready |
Yukuri |
Slow |
Yuru yaka ni |
Smooth |
Shinzen ni rei |
Bow to shrine |
Sensei ni rei |
Bow to sensei |
Joseki ni rei |
Bow to the high section of the dojo |
Kamiza ni rei |
Bow to kamiza (gods) |
Otagai ni rei |
Bow to each other |
Rei |
Bow |
Words: |
Arigato |
Thank you (informal) |
Domo |
Thanks (informal) |
Domo arigato |
Thank you (formal) |
Domo arigato gozaimasu |
Thank you very much (very formal) (for something that is happening) |
Domo arigato gozaimas'ta |
Thank you very much (very formal) (for something that has just ended) |
Dozo |
Please go ahead |
Gomen nasai |
Excuse me, I'm sorry |
Onegaishimasu |
Please (when asking for something, usually as in Please lets practice together) |
Sumimasen |
Excuse me (to attract attention) |
Hai |
Yes |
Iie |
No |
Wakarimasu |
I understand |
Directions: |
Mae |
Forward |
Migi |
Right |
Hidari |
Left |
Ushiro |
Rearward, behind |
Omote |
Front |
Ura |
Back |
Uchi |
Inside |
Soto |
Outside |
Jodan |
High |
Chudan |
Middle |
Gedan |
Low |
Chokkaku |
Right angles |
Heiko |
Parallel |
Massugu |
Straight ahead |
Naname |
Diagonal |
Otoshi |
Dropping |
Shomen |
Straight ahead |
Ue |
Up |
Yoko |
Horizontal, to the side |
Asoko |
Over there |
Gyaku |
Reverse, opposite, inverted |
Hantai |
The other way around |
Kiku |
Lower |
Komi |
Coming close or drawing near. |
Soko |
There, that position |
Hantai-ni |
In the opposite direction |
Happo |
The eight sides; in all directions |
Ichimonji |
A straight line |
Chokusen |
A straight line |
Naka |
Center |
Naka ni |
To the center |
Waki |
Side; armpit |
Zenpo |
Front |
General: |
Uchi deshi |
A live-in student |
Budo |
Martial way |
Aikido |
The way of harmony with ki |
Dojo |
Lit. "way place" |
Zanshin |
lit. "remaining spirit", balanced and aware state |
Kiai |
A shout delivered for the purpose of focussing all of one's energy |
Satori |
Enlightenment |
Misogi |
purification ceremony |
Musubi |
Ending, conclusion, union |
Shugyo |
Training, pursuit of knowledge |
Tatami |
Mat |
Uke |
Receiver of the technique (attacker) |
Nage |
Doer of the technique (defender) |
Bokken |
Wooden sword |
Bokuto |
Wooden sword |
Jo |
Short staff (~130 cm length) |
Shinai |
Bamboo sword |
Enten-jizui |
Moving and turning freely |
Genshin |
Intuition |
Giri |
Duty; What you have to do |
Happo-baraki |
To be totally aware of ones surroundings |
Hiki |
Pull; tug |
Hineri |
A twist |
Hito-e-mi |
Blending with motion of attack |
Ido |
Movement |
Idori |
Techniques practiced from seiza |
Ikki-ni |
In one breath; instantly |
Ima |
Now |
Irimi |
Entering |
Kaiten |
Rotation |
Kaiten-juki |
The axis of rotation of a technique |
Kan |
Intuition |
Karame |
To tie up; to arrest |
Karami |
An entanglement |
Karui-geiko |
Light, easy practice |
Kashaki-uchi |
Continuous attack |
Kihon |
Fundamental |
Kokoro |
Spirit, will, heart, intuition, mood |
Kokoro-gamae |
Mental attitude |
Kokutsu |
Backward leaning |
Koryu |
Old style |
Kujiki |
Strain |
Kushin |
Springing in to attack |
Kusshinuke |
To dodge an attack |
Maai |
Combat engagement distance |
Mae-no-sen |
Taking the initiative; Attacking the instant your opponent thinks about it |
Maki |
Wrapped around |
Mawashi |
A turn; a rotation |
Moku roku |
A catalog of techniques |
Mokuso |
Meditation |
Munen mushin |
Striking without conscience |
Munen muso |
The goal of zazen |
Nagashi |
Flow |
Ninjo |
What you have to do |
No |
Possessive particle of speech |
Nobashi |
Stretched out |
Nuki |
Pull |
Oji |
A response |
Osae |
Press; push; to immobolize |
Randori |
Free style |
Reigi |
Etiquette; also reishiki |
Renshu |
Hard work on basics |
Ritsurei |
A standing bow |
Sabaki |
Body motion |
Saho |
The left direction |
Sankaku |
Triangle |
Seme-guchi |
An opening for an attack |
Semete |
Attacker |
Sen |
The initiative; also 1000 |
Senjutsu |
Tactics |
Sen-no-sen |
Seizing initiative just as opponents initiates attack |
Sente |
The person who takes the initiative |
Shi |
A (samurai) person |
Shiki |
Ceremony, style, form |
Shikko |
On one's knees |
Shinshin |
Mind and body |
Shinshin shugyo |
Mind and body training |
Shinshin toitsu |
Mind and body unified |
Shita |
Down |
Shita-no |
Of the lower part |
Shizoku |
Safe spot |
Sho |
Small |
Shoshin |
Beginners mind |
Shuchu |
Concentration |
Shugeki |
Attack |
Sudori |
Momentum |
Sukui |
Scooping |
Tai-atari |
Body contact |
Tai-chikara |
External power (muscle) |
Taisabaki |
Body motion |
Taijutsu |
Body art |
Tai-no-henko |
Reversing the body's position |
Tanin-geiko |
Practicing with multiple attackers |
Taoshi |
To tip over |
Tateki |
Multiple attackers |
Tateki-geiko |
Practicing with multiple attackers |
Tateki-uchi |
Fighting with multiple attackers |
Tenkan |
Pivot |
Tsukami |
To seize (and immobilize) |
Uchima |
Distance where you can strike by taking a single step |
Uchimata |
The inside of the throw |
Uchite |
The attacker |
Uki |
Floating |
Yo |
Positive principle of nature |
Yoko-furumi |
Sideward motion |
Yumi |
A bow (archery) |
Zentai |
Total |
Fukushiki-kokyu |
Abdominal breathing |
Ibuki |
A breathing method featuring a long exhalation, followed by a short cough to clear lungs |
In-ibuki |
Internal (quiet) breathing |
Nogare |
Breathing method featuring long exhalation with sharp gasp |
Ritsuzen |
Standing meditiation |
Yo-inbuki |
External (power) breathing |
Postures: |
Hanmi |
Half forward stance. |
Hitoemi |
Equal stance, feet parallel forward |
Iai goshi |
Hips lowered, stable position. |
Iai hiza, Tate hiza |
Kneeling on one calf. |
Kamae |
Posture, stance. |
Kiza |
Kneeling, but up on the toes. |
Seiza |
Kneeling on both calves. |
Tachi |
Standing. |
Chudan |
Middle kamae, sword in middle, seigan is a chudan gamae. |
Gedan |
Lower level, sword pointed down. |
Hasso gamae |
Figure 8 stance, sword by side of head. Usually hasso hidari, sword on right, left foot forward. |
Jodan |
Upper level, sword above head. Usually hidari jodan, left foot forward. |
Karuma |
like waki gamae, blade horizontal. |
Kasumi |
Arms crossed over to hide technique (mountain mist). |
Kongo |
Blade vertical in front of face. |
Seigan |
Natural step, fundamental kamae. |
Waki gamae |
Sword pointed down and back, for a sutemi (sacrifice) waza. Usually sword on right side (migi waki gamae), left foot forward. Other purpose - hiding length of sword, especially in case of a broken one. |
Principles: |
Ikkyo |
1. principle = oshi taoshi, ude osae |
Nikyo |
2. principle = kote mawashi, kotemaki |
Sankyo |
3. principle = kote hineri, shibori-kime |
Yonkyo |
4. principle = tekubi osae |
Gokyo |
5. principle = kuji-osae |
Rokkyo |
6. principle = hiji-kime-osae or waki-katame or ude-hishigi. |
Nanakyo |
7. principle = Yonkyo applied to back of wrist |
Hakyo |
8. principle = kote-ori-kakae-kimi, kuji-dori = Nikyo in which his elbow is in your armpit and his hand is pulled forward; Pinning their hand with your foot |
Kukyo |
9. principle = Inverted nanakyo |
Throws: |
Irimi nage |
Entering throw ("20 year technique") |
Juji nage, juji garami |
Arm entwining throw ("No. 10 throw", since the arms form the japanese sign for 10 "+". arms crossed, elbows locked) |
Kaiten nage |
Rotary throw. uchi-kaiten nage and soto-kaiten nage (inside and outside) |
Kokyu ho |
morotetori kokyu nage or ryotemochi kokynage ude-oroshi irimi |
Kokyu nage |
Breath throw (There are a zillion of these in Aikido. Most of them just variations of the basic techniques) |
Koshi nage |
Hip throw |
Kote gaeshi |
Wrist turn-out |
Shiho nage |
Four direction throw |
Tenchi nage |
Heaven and earth throw |
Aiki otoshi |
entering more deeply and picking up uke's off-side leg |
Maki otoshi |
nage ends up down on one knee, having thrown uke over nage's shoulder |
Sumi gaeshi |
corner throw |
Sumi otoshi |
Corner drop |
Tai-atari uchi otoshi |
from yokomen-uchi, entering and blocking.,uke gets thrown backwards |
Ushiro udoroshi |
pull down from behind |
Kokyu dosa |
Breath-power movement (from seiza) |
Ganseki otoshi |
Arm bar with elbow braced over shoulder |
Katagatame |
A variation of Kaiten nage where you lock your opponents shoulder and bring him directly to the ground in a lock |
Ranks and titles: |
Kohai |
Junior student |
Sempai |
Senior student |
Sensei |
Instructor |
Shihan |
A senior teacher, properly used within the school only, when outside, use sensei |
Kyu |
Student grade, from 10 up to 1, the highest: jukyu, kukyu, hachikyu, nanakyu, rokyu ,, gokyu , yonkyu , sankyu ,, nikkyu , ikkyu  |
Dan |
More advanced grades, from 1 to 10: shodan , nidan , sandan , yondan , godan , rokudan , nanadan , hachidan , kudan ,, judan  |
Yudansha |
Members with dan grades |
Mudansha |
Members with kyu grades |
Hanshi |
Highest title from ZNKR, must be 55 or older and 8 dan. |
Kyoshi |
Middle title from ZNKR, must be 7th dan. |
Renshi |
Title bestowed from ZNKR in addition to Dan ranks. |
Soke |
Head of style (actually head of family, unifier of gods and lineage) |
Doshu |
Head of the way (currently Moriteru Ueshiba, grandson of O Sensei) |
Kaicho |
"Owner" of school (organization) eg. Sei Do Kai |
Kancho |
"Owner" of school (building, hall) eg. Yugen Kan |
Dojo-cho |
"Leader" of a dojo |
O Sensei |
Great Teacher (Ueshiba, Morihei) |
Techniques: |
Ukemi |
Lit. "receiving with the body" |
Kumitachi |
Sword partnership practice |
Kumijo |
Staff partnership practices |
Tachi dori |
Sword takeaways |
Tanto dori |
Knife takeaways |
Atemi-waza |
Techniques to strike a vital point |
Hanashi-waza |
Techniques from escaping from holds; also known as hazushi-waza |
Hanmi-handachi waza |
One person standing, one person sitting techniques |
Henka waza |
Varied technique. Especially beginning one technique and changing to another in mid-execution |
Hitori waza |
"invisible partner practice" |
Jiju waza |
Free-style practice of techniques. Usually a set of attacks or techniques. It is different from Randori where everything is allowed. |
Kaeshi-waza |
Counter techniques |
Kansetsu-waza |
Dislocation techniques |
Katame-waza |
Grappling techniques; consisting of osae waza, kensetsu waza, and shime waza |
Kihon-waza |
Fundamental techniques |
Nagashi waza |
Flowing from one technique to next |
Ne waza |
Grappling techniques |
Oji waza |
To block and then counterattack |
Omote waza |
Techniques that are revealed to the public |
Osae waza |
Pinning techniques. |
Shi waza |
A counter technique |
Sukashi waza |
Techniques performed without allowing the attacker to complete a grab or to initiate a strike. |
Sutemi waza |
a technique accomplished by sacrificing your body |
Suwari waza |
Techniques executed with both uke and nage in a seated position. |
Tachi waza |
Standing techniques. |
Te-waza |
Hand techniques (as opposed to weapons) |
Uchi-waza |
Striking techniques |
Ushiro-waza |
Techniques from rear attacks |
Uke-waza |
Blocking techniques |
The uniform: |
Tenugui |
Small hand cloth to wipe face. Also worn under the helmet in kendo. |
Keiko gi, do gi, gi |
Practice uniform. |
Embu gi |
Demonstration top / uniform. |
Kesa |
Lapel / part of monk's costume hanging from left shoulder. |
Mon |
Family crests on uniform |
Montsuki |
Wide sleaved top with mon on chest, sleeve and back. |
Sode |
Sleeve, on practice top. |
Tanomo |
Large sleeves on formal tops. |
Uwa gi |
Practice top. |
Zekken |
Chest patch embroidered with own name and dojo name. |
Obi |
Belt (White belt , Black belt  |
Hakama |
Split skirt, wide legged pants. |
Hera |
Peg in back of hakama. |
Matadachi |
Split in side of hakama. |
Koshiita |
Back plate on hakama. |
Tabi |
Japanese sock-slippers used in dojo. |
Zori |
Japanese sandals for use outside dojo. |